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Offer Valid through Setp. 30th, 2021
Breaking Schools
Not all schools are equal. Make sure the you are attending a school with a YBL approved curriculum.

Growth happens through consistency
It is important that dancers receive consistent training and guidance. In the early hip hop days such teaching and direction was slim to none. Now with the inclusion of breaking as an official Olympic sport, consistent training and progress is a must.
We started The Youth Breaking League because we believe all kids should have the opportunity to experience and fall in love with breaking in a competitive fashion. Sports can teach kids incredible life lessons such as team work, hard work, goal setting, overcoming adversity, importance of exercise, critical social skills, and developing strong bonds with coaches and teammates that last a lifetime! All of these lessons directly translate to children growing up into productive citizens that know how to work hard to achieve their goals and overcome adversity.

Why a Breaking Curriculum
There is a path to greatness and success that leads towards becoming a champion. This is why we provide a specific breaking curriculum to help steer the way for champions. It is necessary that dancers are guided in a safe, yet progressive manner. One that will allow them to unlock their greatness, and challenge them, yet give clear and concise goals for them to achieve.
We believe coaches are the fabric of successful youth sports. Coaches have the ability to have an impact on every one of their athletes. Equipping Coaches to provide safe learning environments for all players is one of our top priorities. Each coach receives continuous training in areas such as skill development, communication, game management, successful practice techniques, setting proper expectations by age groups, among other topics.